How to Clean Trim Scissors and Storage and Curing Jars. First off, WeedWipes Resin Remover and Preventer cleans most surfaces and skin as well. Grow and Trim operations get extremely sticky. Use WeedWipes Resin Remover and Preventer to remove plant matter from tables, Hands, scissors and trimmers. Keep a bottle next to the soap at the sink. Your skin and employees will thank you!
Industrial sizes ranging from 2 oz bottles up to 5 Gallon buckets.
Seasoning the Shears. On new scissors apply a small amount to a soft cloth and spread completely then wipe off. This fills the micro cracks in the metal so that the plant matter cannot get a grip and provides some protection against accumulation as well as lubricates the friction points. This is called ‘seasoning the shears’.
ISO actually oxidizes and pits metal. The cleaner you use for trim scissors is destroying those scissors. Still love ISO?